Tuesday, January 10, 2012

H is for Hitched. A is for Apology

I don't know why I chose today to foray back to the world of blogging. Actually, I do know why. It's because I have work deadlines and I needed a way to procrastinate.

Here we are, I skipped blogging in 2011. I know, I'm sorry - most of you probably stopped caring, but I'm here, I'm alive and I have a new last name. To recap my 2011, I got married and I went on a honeymoon. Those two activities pretty much took 365 days.

I'll write more about the wedding, as well as a few lessons learned, but first I just wanted to come crawling back, tail between legs and promise you that you'll hear a lot more of my ramblings in 2012.

Here are some wedding photos, they were all taken by the talented Vanessa Voth


Sally said...

Beautiful photos Kelly! It looked like an absolutely beautiful day. Congratulations!

Danielle said...

You know you are forgiven before even asking! I think everyone who has ever planned a wedding will totally understand that you were just a little bit busy. So glad you are back in the swing of things and look forward to reading about your day-to-day adventures of married life, etc. Now, I guess even though I don't have any excuses, will have no choice to start blogging again myself. Doesn't that make you feel better knowing you have inspired another person into moving forward again?

Kelly said...

Thanks Sally! It was such a wonderful day! Couldn't have asked for anything more.

Danielle, you have to start blogging again! I want to see your gorgeous quilts and hear about life in France!