Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Whatever happened to Global Warming?

Today I decided to work from home, perhaps it was the foot of snow covering the ground, or maybe it was the general desire not to go in…. but so far it’s been delightful! No one gets mad at you if you fall asleep when you work at home!

There is a crazy amount of snow up in North Vancouver right now – I haven’t seen this much in several years, Global Warming is such a deceiving word eh? Because at first, I was all for Global Warming, but now I’m having second thoughts.

After plowing my driveway 3 times, and the neighbors driveways – my neighbor Joe and I decided to take an old windsurfer down the hill near our houses. It didn’t work too well, but I did get a delightful shot of my mother face down in the snow.

In fact, I haven’t done much work today, but once and awhile the soul just needs a good day of laughter and rest. Hopefully it’ll all be gone by Saturday, or else how am I going to move?!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I often wonder that when it's 10 below (Farenheit)... Sometimes I could use a bit of global warming! Just be thankful yours will be gone soon. Ours will be gone in April...