Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why men don't make good house-wives.

The new job is fantastic! Who knew you could be happy... AT WORK? I never believed it was possible, but low and behold I actually enjoy my job! And the people I work with! However, there is one aspect of my job that I loathe..... and it's public transport. Seriously, what is the deal with people on public transit???? It's like a genetic cess pool of the crappiest genes you've ever seen all crammed together on a bus. UGH.

Ugh, and the bus drivers are the worst!! For example, downtown today had terrible traffic, the buses were running late so there was an abnormal amount of people lined up waiting for the bus. I happened to be first in the bus line, I waited patiently in the bus line.... gave would be budgers the evil eye, and generally was minding my own business.... then all of a sudden, the freaking bus couldn't make it all the way to the bus stop because of cars ILLEGALLY using the HOV lane... anyways, the bus driver stopped the bus about 30 ft short of the stop, opened the door and all the people from the BACK OF THE LINE GOT ON FIRST!!! Leaving me, the patient keeper-of-the-line to attempt and push my way to get on, only to be stuck with no seat on a very jerky, long bus ride.

The line budgers of the world silently mocked me from their seats while I was forced to hang on for dear life to the germ infested pole, digging my 3 inch heels into the slippy floor attempting to not fall on the laps of dirty, unemployed, ipod listening jerks - who, I might add, only ride the bus during rush hour to steal seats away from the contributing citizens of the world.

But you know what really made my day? Derek offering to make me dinner while I checked my email/facebook.... and then gave my portion away to his roommate and forgot he was supposed to feed me.

Who offers to make you dinner... and then forgets to feed you!?



Anonymous said...

You should have that disinfectant hand gel and hand wipes, wear a mask to ensure you do not get germs and check for bugs when you get off the bus - further wear runners - a) so you can stand up and not land on their laps and b) run faster to get 1st on the bus regardless where you stand in line. Further wear your boxing gloves strung around your neck - that will make them think twice of snickering.
As for Derek forgetting to feed you! - don't ask me my opinion of that one. I do have some fresh apple pie here though, and I'll make you fresh coffee.
- Mom

Ash said...

Whoa! What an amazing offer! Fresh apple pie and coffee!!?!??! You've gotta lock that down asap.

I'm jealous.