Friday, June 27, 2008


I just read something amusing, and instead of laughing in my head… I managed to think the word ‘lol’. Yes… something that stands for ‘laughing out loud’. Terrible. When did that make its way into my everyday vocabulary? Less facebook, more novel.

I need to pick up a few books for next week for my sailing trip (if it actually happens** don’t get me started), hopefully that will restore my inner monologue to something more along the lines of a 25 year old educated female, and less of a 14 old texting nerd.

Speaking of Sailboats… it’s officially ours, we signed the final papers yesterday and they handed us keys. CRAZY because we spent 8 months waiting for it to be built and arrive in Canada! My mom and I headed down to check it out – here are a few pictures. If you’re not a yachty snob and don’t know how freaking sweet this boat is, it’s like the Bentley of sailboats.

you'll have to excuse the look on my face, my mother the anti christ of technology
was attempting to take pictures with the lens pointing her way...
it took 6 tries for her to turn the camera around...
I wasn't ready when she finally got it.
This was the view driving down lonsdale at 5:30 this morning. Beautiful.
It's also hard to take a photo and not run pedestrians over.

1 comment:

briandem said...

Kelly!!!!!!! I love that you are a blogger and I have been loving reading what you are up to. You are too cute, seriously. And your pictures...AMAZING! You are quite the photographer. Are you doing anything special to them or is your camera super rad?! So glad that we will be able to keep in touch through this!